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Memory Clinics in Switzerland

The Memory Clinics are intended for people who suffer from memory problems or who feel the need for a preventive cognitive assessment. They also participate very actively in clinical research in this field. As such, they are conducting several studies aimed at understanding the mechanisms that trigger Alzheimer's disease and neurodegenerative diseases as well as their warning signs. Their studies would not be possible without the essential participation of volunteers. Thanks to the contribution and availability of volunteers, research in this field can move forward and address this major public health issue.

The Memory Clinics of BaselBernFribourgGeneva, Lausanne, LuganoSt. Gallen and one Research Center in Zurich have joined forces to pool their synergy in order to advance research in this field and intervene on people at risk of developing a neurodegenerative disease even before the first signs of it appear.

They are convinced that networking will speed up the process of communication between them and thus advance the body of knowledge on this type of disease.

A register at the Swiss level

On an initiative of the Memory Clinic of University Hospital of Geneva, the Brain Health Registry Swiss wanted to set up a synergy between the different clinics/research institutes in Switzerland in order to advance research in a joint manner. Thus, each person who wishes to contribute to the research can register and then be contacted by one of the Centers he or she has chosen in Switzerland and who is participating in this project. Registration is non-binding and at any time the volunteer can decide to continue or withdraw his or her participation.

The purpose of this register is to facilitate and centralise the registration of people who wish to contribute to research on Alzheimer's and neurodegenerative diseases so that they can be directed to the Memory Clinic or Research Center most appropriate for them. Once registered in the registry, they are personally contacted by the researchers at the Clinic or Research Center of their choice.

The Brain Health Registry Swiss is based on the American and Dutch experiences that have led to this type of registry. It thus extends the international BHR network, which is involved in research on neurodegenerative diseases and, more specifically, Alzheimer's disease.

Dernière mise à jour : 13/01/2022